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The Film
Righting Wrongs

Its Origin
Hong Kong

Running Time
Side A: 94 mins
Side B: 96 mins

Martial Arts

Corey Yuen

Yuen Biao
Cynthia Rothrock
Melvin Wong

DVD Distributor

DVD Origin
Hong Kong

Region Code

DVD Format

Audio Tracks
Side A: Cantonese DD 5.1
Side B: Mandarin DD 5.1

Side A: Chinese, English
Side B: Chinese, English, Japanese, Bahasa Malaysia & Indonesia, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese

Screen Format

Special Info
Side A: Hong Kong version
Side B: International version

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Righting Wrongs

This DVD has two versions of the film, one on each side. Side A is the Hong Kong version, and is altogether a much darker, bleaker film in tone. Side B is the international version, which is not as dark or bleak. The two versions each have a few scenes which are unique to that version.

Yuen is a mild mannered prosecutor who takes the law into his own hands when the justice system fails to capture the most notorious criminals. As the police assign a tough, gutsy inspector (Rothrock) to stop Yuen's vigilante hunting out of court, another murder brings them together in the search for the real killer, who may or may not be one of their own! Already an instant classic among Hong Kong action fans, Righting Wrongs is filled with some of the best fight scenes ever filmed, and a hair raising stunt finale that has yet to be surpassed!

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All review content copyrighted © (2003-2009) Kris Wojciechowski

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